Posted on September 28, 2020
How to Pour Concrete Steps
Your house is an investment that you surely want to keep for a long time. It needs strong and durable materials to endure outside elements and time. A popular one is concrete. Homeowners and experts use it for its impressive properties for construction or other purposes. Concrete needs to get poured during construction.
If you want to know how that is done, then here is a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Preparation
First, you have to clean your area. Make sure that nothing will interfere when you are already pouring the material. Expose the earth, and get your subbase and put it in the area. It has to get compacted and stable. Use a hand tamper or plate compactors to do the task. Prepare the form or a wooden perimeter around the area to get a better result. Make sure that you get measurements, slopes, and angles right. Next, add wire mesh or rebar for support. It is essential for structural integrity and prevent cracks from appearing. You have to know if the area you are cementing needs to hold a specific weight because you have to make sure that it can hold it.
Step 2: Mixing
For the next part, you have to mix your concrete. Get Portland cement, sand, and gravel, then mix them in a cement mixer or wheelbarrow in the ratio of 1:2:4. Add as little water as possible, just enough to combine everything. The resulting mixture should appear smooth and consistent.
Step 3: Pouring
Pour your concrete mixture into the mold you created. If you have a truck, then you can use that, but you may also use your wheelbarrow to fill the area. You should have some people to help you spread it, especially if the place is large. Use rakes, shovels, or “come along.”
Step 4: Screeding
Screed the top of your concrete by using a tool while it is still wet. Make the surface as flat and even as you can. Work from top to bottom, so you will end up with an expert-looking work.
Step 5: Floating
You have to be quick in doing the next step. Use a large floating device to help the cream rise to the surface. Do this in repeated long sweeping motions.
Step 6: Adding Control Joints
Next, you have to add control joints using a groover. Do this every five or six feet, and cut them about a quarter of the thickness of the concrete. That is essential because it will help it adjust to temperature changes and avoid cracks.
Step 7: Add Traction
Use a broom and create designs on your drying concrete. You may also use a soft brush or trowel to give the area some texture. Slide them over the surface to create grooves that are not too deep. That will help make the concrete not too slippery when wet.
Step 8: Sealing
Get a concrete sealer and use it to cover the area after it cures for 28 days.
Step 9: Maintaining
Concrete does not need a lot of effort, but maintaining it will keep it at is best.
Concrete is a popular material, now, you know how to pour it and use it on other projects.