Updated on May 5, 2020
How Does Yard Drainage Systems Work?
Are you looking for the answer to the question, “How do yard drainage systems work?” There are many factors that go into making this a simple process, but the first step is to understand what exactly you are working with. After all, the average homeowner doesn’t know their way around their entire system.
The two most common ways of dealing with water in your yard are through gutters and downspouts. However, it is necessary to note that if there is no way for water to escape, it isn’t going to be a drain at all. Instead, it will run off into the ground, only to return to water the lawn later.
In order to avoid these situations, a lot of work goes into the construction of these two items in your yard. Gutters are very small and have straight sides. They either run from one side of the home to the other or come off the backside.
A new downspout is built in the same manner, except it comes off the front of the home. For ease of installation, it is common for the plastic to be installed directly on the ground. When it rains, it will simply run down the side of the house instead of soaking into the ground.
In order to avoid debris in the yard, downspouts often use vinyl pipes that are pre-installed into the ground. The downspout may be installed near the garden, out in the back, or anywhere else you would like to see water run off of. When the storm comes, it will be the main reason people get their gutters replaced.
When considering a downspout or any other yard drainage systems, the first thing to consider is how big the hole needs to be. If you aren’t sure, you can just buy a piece of metal to use as a guide. This way, you won’t get any more frustrated with trying to figure out how to get something of this magnitude installed properly.
After you have figured out how big the hole will need to be, you will need to consider what materials you will need to get your yard drainage systems installed. In general, there are two types: gravity fed and electronic. As with any other project, you need to decide which one will be best for you.
One of the benefits of electric units is the fact that they are easily taken apart and repaired if you are having a problem. These are also easier to store, as well. However, the down side to them is that they are quite noisy, especially if you are using them in a large area such as your backyard.
The next step in how do yard drainage systems work is simply running the length of the house so that the water comes out the bottom, rather than soaking into the ground. This is important, because if it is too deep, you can end up creating a slippery mess, which can ruin the look of your property. The easiest way to go about this is to drive a stake down the center of the lawn, and then use a couple of garden forks to dig up to the point where the water drains.
Chemical based products are great because they are usually quite environmentally friendly. This doesn’t mean you need to run them through the entire yard, however. For those with smaller yards, they can be used as a sprayer for quick watering and without creating a mess.
The final step in how do yard drainage systems work is to add the necessary pipe that will eventually connect to the downspout. You can go ahead and put this in at any time, though it is better to leave it put in for a couple of days before you start watering. This allows time for the wet material to dry up and give you a good seal that your job is done.
If you want to know how do yard drainage systems work, the answer isn’t really as difficult as you may think. It’s just a matter of identifying the materials you are going to need, picking out the right sizes, and how much water you will need for a given area.